Tag Archives: Comedy Shows

Birthday Cake – Part II & III


KitchenersKitcheners for Comedy. See what I did there? Alliteration, baby 😉 For phase II of my birthday, my psycho friend Flav took us to Braamfontein, to a little place where all the little cool, ‘worldly’ children hang out on Tuesdays for laughs. I’ve been to Kitcheners before and it was a good time. Thandiswa Mazwai gave me a hug, so yeah. This time I was looking forward to seeing the resident comics, whom I’d heard of and seen on the twitter streets – well, I’d actually seen one in action on tv – Mojak Lehoko so I was amped. None of the guys shown on the internet were there :(. It was a bit disappointing but I wasn’t hacked because I don’t have any comedic bond with them or anything – so I chinned up and looked forward to meeting some new funny people.

Lo and behold, Simmi Areff. Funny, inappropriate, fearless, blush-inducing… did I mention funny? This tall, exotic and hilarious man was the night’s host (I use exotic loosely here. I’m using it because to me it refers to anyone I find cute, whose race  I am not entirely sure of and because it doesn’t really matter what race they are in the end, because cuteness and global villageness – I do think he’s South African-Indian though). Anyhoo, I also got to finally see Joao Matthews in action (partially, because it was open-micish.) And even his short, half-hearted and slightly uncomfortably sexual 10 minutes was pretty cool. Now, him I’m very familiar with all thanks to the mighty social networking platform we call Twitter. He’s one of those well known guys and stuff – not because he’s always tweeting or asking people stuff or putting up sexy images of himself but because he’s genuinely funny. I like that sh*t. There were a few other people with a few laughs here and there. But not like ‘Ha-ha-ha!’, but more like ‘Ha… I get that. That’s pretty cool’. Then there was Gavin Kelly, who I’ve actually known for a couple of years. Now my only complaint is… How on earth did I not know Gav was that friggin funny?! When I met him he was a laid back Journalism student who liked eating the burnt bits from the bottom of a pot of pap. Now he’s a comedian, who’s apparently so good he got to be on Comedy Central… How did I  miss it? Alas! I was and still am pleasantly surprised because I LMFAOed during his set and that’s awesome!

The Comedy night was a great idea – to say the least. I have the bestest friends in the world and I’m so thrilled with how awesome comedy in SA is becoming.

Phase III was a weekend with my mom – it was great and I gained 3kgs. That is all. 🙂